20 Facts of Life for 20-Somethings in 2021

  1. Everything does not have to go to plan

  2. For the love of god, go to the doctor/dentist before you’re off your parents’ insurance

  3. It’s okay to fail. A lot.

  4. You definitely should order takout. All you have in the pantry is ramen and cereal - you need real food, you heathen

  5. You should ask yourself if you’re okay every once in a while

  6. Walnuts are gross, stop trying to like them

  7. Don’t hate on goal setting, but if establishing a ‘wind’ of change you want to focus on is more your style then do that!

  8. Take steps to recognize when you’re working from home and when you’re living at work, and adjust accordingly

  9. Setting boundaries will look different this year. Everyone is not entitled to your time or emotional energy

  10. Shave your head. Do it. Cut it off just like that one family member last year

  11. Perfect for everyone isn’t always perfect for you. Take time to find your niche!

  12. Don’t rush yourself to have it all right now. You have time and so much potential.

  13. Sometimes you need to “yes, and…” certain situations to get the full picture. Both facts can be true.

  14. Do your best to learn or do something new each day

  15. Now is the time to tackle that adulting task you haven’t quite gotten the hang of yet!

  16. Your worth is not based in your productivity

  17. Don’t be so quick to call yourself lazy - you may be sick, thirsty, exhausted or struggling in other ways

  18. Being vulnerable will take you further than you think

  19. Laugh now. Cry later.


Amira Malcom

Indianapolis based project manager. Will pet your dog, no questions asked.


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